Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Linting: New plan will fix local roads, respect hardworking taxpayers
RELEASE|March 6, 2025
Contact: Rylee Linting

State Rep. Rylee Linting has introduced legislation within a plan that would fix Michigan roads without tax increases or additional debt for the state.

The plan follows through on a proposal Speaker Matt Hall prioritized to start the 2025-26 legislative term. It provides $3.145 billion each year to fix roads, including the broken local roads from driveway to highway that people use every day and that desperately need repairs. The funding will come from existing tax dollars, including putting all taxes people already pay at the pump toward roads, and corporate handouts like the Strategic Outreach Attraction Reserve fund.

“Everyone who drives around locally for more than about two minutes can see the state of some of our roads,” said Linting, of Grosse Ile. “Unfortunately, local and county road agencies don’t always have the resources they need to fill those potholes or repave a street that needs it. General fund spending has grown by more than $4 billion since 2018, which is a 40% increase, with almost none of that increase going specifically to local infrastructure. It’s time for that to change.”

Linting’s bill, House Bill 4185, will hold school funding harmless by dedicating $700 million in sales tax revenue to account for the decrease in what is normally allocated through gasoline sales tax.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer recently touted her own road funding plan at her annual State of the State address. While the overall dollar amount the governor wants to put towards her plan is now closer to the House Republican plan, her proposal comes with additional taxes in order to raise the revenue necessary to get to the total number. The governor previously chose to borrow $3.5 billion for larger, state-owned highways that saddled future generations of Michiganders with debt and still left local roads neglected.

“We don’t need more tax-and-spend policies to get things done,” Linting said. “We need serious budgeting that respects tax dollars that are already afforded to state government. This is a responsible plan that addresses a top priority for people we all represent.”

The roads plan contained within House Bills 4180-87 have been referred to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for consideration.

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